Saturday, May 21, 2011

selena gomez taylor swift and demi lovato

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 24, 02:44 AM
    they have another promo that runs from 10/17 - 1/22/07... i sure hope they dont wait for this to expire... although that is right around MWSF
    shortly it is... only 9 more hours

    Yeah, the restarted the printer offer last week and it goes through January. The other promo is the .Mac one, also thru January.

    The ones I was referring to that expire on 10/24 are the mail-in rebates offered through large retailers like Amazon. They still have to get Apple approval for those rebate programs as Apple sets prices.

    Either way, we find out soon enough... Or at least I hope we do.

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  • Spoony
    Apr 26, 02:23 PM
    This debate made me think of this. Now that I've thought about it more this is actually really interesting. Reminds me of Kleenex, or Xerox. Name becomes famous with what it does and becomes generic. I know this is different but made me think of it.

    Once trademarked generic words include:

    etc... goes on and on.

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  • hunkaburningluv
    Mar 26, 08:28 AM
    If someone had come out with a console allowing for full-color 1024x768 touchscreen controllers the other consoles would be scrambling to catch up. Even if that controller cost $499.

    While there are some nits here (30fps isn't exactly ideal performance, the dongle connection seems too flimsy for real gameplay, etc) I think this is a huge step forward in gaming.

    Nintendo and Microsoft should be shaking in their boots right now.

    As a rather casual gamer, I'd love to see the bastard love-child of this and kinect.

    you think? I think no none would buy the $499 controller as it's too expensive for a controller.

    Ninty and M$ have nothing to worry about anything that apple does in relation to games will supplement the market as it is.

    Not really. Properly designed controls on touch screen will be just fine... You will see...

    Anyone who thinks that the long-term viability of the IOS ecosystem as a significant home game player because of the lack of hard controls is just missing the picture.

    I can't figure out why some people think you have to look at the screen of a touchscreen device to use it to manipulate things in a game world. Between rotation and movement of the device itself with properly placed buttons you can do a lot with it, none of it requiring looking at the touch screen.

    I suspect most people could distinguish between the lower left corner of their device and the upper right corner, for instance, without looking at the screen.

    There is still a vast difference in the tactility (sp) and force feed back that hardcore gamers won't take too - as much as I don't like modern warfare, but I doubt the metric crapload of players would prefer to play with touch controls

    but when you remove the need for look at a touch screen, then why need it? A simple touch pad would suffice. By removing the need to look at the screen, you remove the point of it.

    Hardcore gaming will never change to the extent it doesn't need a controller and as such the market isn't going to change. Sure I can't wait until I play starcraft or the like on an ipad, but I won't be ditching any of my consoles.

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  • TerryJ
    Jul 14, 11:53 AM
    So, easily seen. The employ the exact same codecs.
    They CAN use the same codecs. The problem on the BD side is that... all of the Sony discs (and other studios so far) use MPEG2 for video and standard DD or PCM for audio.

    Also, the current generation BD decks (Samsung and forthcoming Sony deck) cannot decode DD+, Dolby TruHD audio formats. They can only do same DD and DTS as old DVDs. HD DVD decks can decode DD+ and Dolby TruHD (TruHD can only be decoded to stereo in the current decks, though, unfortunately.) Also, the software needs to have audio encoded in DD+ and Dolby TruHD. All HD DVD discs have at least DD+. No BDs have DD+.

    If Sony and other studios started using VC-1 or H.264 for video, things might look better for BD... but they aren't using it. I don't think there are any plans for Sony to author discs using VC-1... ever. It's all MPEG2 as far as I have heard.

    [Warner Home Video has already released HD DVDs in VC-1... so it would stand to reason they'd just use the same encode for their BDs, but I guess we'll see if that is true.]

    That's the trick. Talking pure specs, on paper, before anything was ever released, and BD seemed like it should be equal or better. Reality... I mean actual implementation, of course, is a different matter.


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  • kriskkalu
    Jan 5, 06:31 PM
    At macworld 2007 Apple will announce that you can download The Beatles music on iTunes and possible there will be a Beatles branded iPod.

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  • Roy Hobbs
    Jan 2, 10:48 AM
    An iMac with an adjustable screen height, with dual C2D chips.

    I would love to see an iMac with a height adjustable screen. Dual c2d chips would be nice too. But I would rather have the height adjustment. My wife wants a 24 inch iMac but the hutch on her desk is 0.6 inches to short.

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  • blueflame
    Sep 6, 09:22 PM
    I think everyone is obsessing about quality. someone here said earlier that its about convinience. these are going to be the same resoluition as the tv shows, and cost 3.99. i actually dont think they will be letting you burn it on a disk either. I agree that a movie rental system is the way to go. but honestly, for these prices, i can get through time warner all the on demand stations, (stars, stars2, cinemax, showtime, and like 3 hbo channels.) this is the future, there is no waiting to download anything, this model is waht for all reality needs to be used, then if you like the movie enough, you pay $15 for you to burn it to one dvd only (comes with label pictures and cover) maybe they even mail you the emtpy case. for that price, they will afford it.) anywy. maybe this set top box everyone wants is some sort of propriatary thing they are making like tivo, with a burner, from an apple cable server, with an ipod port. I like it. but this is such an exciting time.

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  • bellman
    Apr 19, 11:06 AM
    This is exactly the kind of rumors i've been waiting for:D:D:D

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  • whooleytoo
    Mar 24, 02:00 PM
    Is it unusual for Apple to start supporting so many graphics chips in one release?

    If it was just to support a new line of iMacs/Mac Pros, they surely would only have 2 or 3 new chips. But 10? Please oh please tell me that with the increasing importance of games to Apple's bottom line, they're starting to take gaming more seriously.

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  • ~Shard~
    Nov 29, 01:34 PM
    Can't wait for MWSF to get some more details from Steve! Between this, the iPhone, an iTablet and the new widescreen video iPod there will be plenty for him to reveal - along with our iLife 07 and Leopard previews as well. ;) :cool:

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  • mrgreen4242
    Aug 30, 12:59 PM
    Do you remember what the price was for the 1.66GHz CD 1GB RAM 100GB HD?

    I think it was $849. I can't recall for sure, but I'm 90% sure it listed as 11% off original price, which is $849. Well, that had a SD in it not a CD.

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  • wmmk
    Nov 27, 05:30 PM
    I hope it happens. This would not only be great for Mac Mini buyers, but also laptop owners. We already have 13-17 inches of screen real estate, so 17 more sounds just about perfect! I just hope there'd be a non iSight option so that laptop users wouldn't be paying a premium for something they already paid for.

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  • NebulaClash
    Sep 14, 10:37 AM
    I think it's a fair question to ask as well. Since all phones have this issue to one degree or another, why is it Apple who got singled out? Because they are the mindshare leaders. If you are Greenpeace and you want to get publicity, call out Apple. If you are Consumer Reports and you want headlines, call out Apple.

    When the iPhone 5 comes out, I guarantee there will be stories published about signal issues with it. It's now the standard playbook to use against Apple, and the media goes along with it.

    I'm a Consumer Reports subscriber, but I know their tech coverage is spotty at best. Sometimes it's laughably wrong. And too many people take their word as gospel instead of just one more useful data point. Heh, it's funny but as this thread is developing I just got a subscriber email from them asking for a $26 donation to them so they can continue to buy the products they test. I'll pay them $26 because I believe in their non-advertiser supported model.

    But I wish they would not feed the anti-Apple FUD playbook. Yes, Apple absolutely should be called out for a design flaw, one that they are going to fix, but let's not blow it out of proportion the way it was. And let's not be hypocritical and call out Apple while giving a pass to everyone else with similar issues. That's the problem I'm focusing on.

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  • skottichan
    Apr 1, 02:00 AM
    I assume Safari 5.1 is in this refresh of Lion Preview?

    Is it faster? How is memory the resource usage? :cool:I retract my previous statement; the current build seems just as bad as the last and that's on the aforementioned 8GB toting i7 MBP. Even with Flash disabled and harmful scripts blocked, it's a hog capable of eating a combined 3GB or more on its own; the split processes in Activity Monitor just make it look nicer.

    Unrelated: does anyone else have a problem keeping their Google Calendars synced in iCal? I hop in and it shows me the local calendars, but I end up having to go into settings and manually recheck my Delegates to get the server-side calendars to trickle back down.

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  • iBorg20181
    Oct 24, 01:15 AM
    if you are gonna wait - macworld 07 will be the big update.

    Nope - Santa Rosa won't arrive until March or April, and that's when the next major upgrade will be made.



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  • BornAgainMac
    Nov 28, 10:08 AM
    Perhaps Microsoft should have a "switch" campaign like Apple for the Zune. Showing all the wonderful things like radio and squirting music and photos.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 11, 06:12 AM

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  • Hattig
    Sep 1, 03:06 PM
    Excellent, if it turns out to be true ... IF Apple include either upgradable graphics (nVidia's MXM "Mobile PCI-Express Module") in the iMac OR they release a small-tower/big-cube 'Mac' with a PCIe x16 slot.

    If the current iMac prices drop then I'll have to point my parents towards one - they were previously interested in the Mac Mini, but they also need to buy a new monitor, and they don't need gaming or a massive display - the low end 17" would be ideal, maybe the 20".

    Whilst I'm not upgrading my main system until next year, it will be good to see what products I'll have to choose from. I know I want my next desktop to be able to run Mac OS X as well as Windows (for games), therefore it needs a graphics card powerful enough for the display resolution, but it needs to be a Mac. Right now the only option is the Mac Pro, but I don't need 4 cores or 8 FBDIMMs or 4 drive bays.

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  • Greebazoid
    Aug 25, 09:05 AM
    I havent yet found a situation where the 1.66 Yonah in my mini is the problem. granted, I dont use photoshop and I have the full whack of 2GB RAM - my beef with the mini is when I boot into 'doze and wanna play games - that GMA950 just cant cut the mustard.

    So what would make me rush out and buy a new mini (and put this one under the TV) would be a faster graphics processor.

    Cant see that happening any time soon tho.

    and whats with all the Prius cars? sheeeeshh.


    Sep 7, 07:39 AM
    Apple keeps track of all the songs you buy anyway, so it's my opinion that you should be able to just "get another copy" if you have already purchased a song. I think this would be especially great for movies. That way you won't have to eat up precious hard drive space. You could purchase your movie, download it, watch it, delete it, and then re-download the movie if you want to view it again.

    My thought exactly! Apple should be the holder of a virtual movie library, in which you would have access to all the films you have ever bought from Apple, possibly limited to a fixed number of computers per account. iTunes or some new software would keep track of the films in your library, including all kinds of information and trivia about the movies you have purchased. You should be able to save your films on your own hard drive or DVD-R if you wish, but Apple would provide the long-term storage capacity necessary for people who have large collections.


    Nov 23, 05:43 PM
    Blackberry Tour is both GSM and CDMA, like the Bold on Sprint. You can pop in any simcard overseas and it will work.

    Ahh okay ... I just saw the Sprint logo

    Aug 19, 09:39 AM
    If they go the aforementioned route, they need to keep a dedicated iPod so that the price point stays down. Seems like they'd have the common sense to just know to do that, but you never know sometimes..

    Yeah. let's hope... But my confidence in the ability of others to be as smart and cool as I was never developed as a child.

    I've just been surprised by all the calls (almost frenzy-like) by others on this thread (it seems you and I are pretty much on the same page as I just read your comments you entered while I was entering my own) to make the iPod, basically, an all-in-one type peice of crap. I have honestly asked why they really need this and have only sen one (maybe two) cool, albeit niche-type, uses.

    While some may say Steve is mercurial, I hope in this case he is 1) on my side here, 2) just as mercurial and controlling as rumored and 3) pays no attention to this thread or any polls in which like-minded individuals participate.

    May 2, 07:35 PM
    sounds kookie.

    Mar 22, 09:50 AM
    Article from the Guardian ( and The Telegraph (

    So what are your thoughts? Should Apple have rejected the app?

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